- At one blow
- • At a [one] blow Одним ударом. Сразу. За один раз. Одним махом. Одним духом
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
at one blow — by a single stroke; in one operation the letter had destroyed his certainty at one blow … Useful english dictionary
at one blow — with one strike, with one hit … English contemporary dictionary
blow — blow1 [blō] vi. blew, blown, blowing [ME blowen < OE blawan < IE * bhlē : see BLAST] 1. to move with some force: said of the wind or a current of air 2. to send forth air with or as with the mouth 3. to pant; be breathless … English World dictionary
blow — blow1 /bloh/, n. 1. a sudden, hard stroke with a hand, fist, or weapon: a blow to the head. 2. a sudden shock, calamity, reversal, etc.: His wife s death was a terrible blow to him. 3. a sudden attack or drastic action: The invaders struck a blow … Universalium
blow — I. /bloʊ / (say bloh) noun 1. a sudden stroke with hand, fist, or weapon. 2. a sudden shock, or a calamity or reverse. 3. a sudden attack or drastic action. 4. a stroke of the shears made in shearing a sheep. 5. an outcrop of discoloured quartz… …
blow — 1. v. & n. v. (past blew; past part. blown) 1 a intr. (of the wind or air, or impersonally) move along; act as an air current (it was blowing hard). b intr. be driven by an air current (waste paper blew along the gutter). c tr. drive with an air… … Useful english dictionary
Blow Me (One Last Kiss) — «Blow Me (One Last Kiss)» … Википедия
Blow — Blow, v. t. 1. To force a current of air upon with the mouth, or by other means; as, to blow the fire. [1913 Webster] 2. To drive by a current air; to impel; as, the tempest blew the ship ashore. [1913 Webster] Off at sea northeast winds blow… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
blow a fuse — or[blow a gasket] or[blow one s top] or[blow one s stack] {v. phr.}, {slang} To become extremely angry; express rage in hot words. * /When Mr. McCarthy s son got married against his wishes, he blew a fuse./ * /When the umpire called Joe out at… … Dictionary of American idioms
blow a fuse — or[blow a gasket] or[blow one s top] or[blow one s stack] {v. phr.}, {slang} To become extremely angry; express rage in hot words. * /When Mr. McCarthy s son got married against his wishes, he blew a fuse./ * /When the umpire called Joe out at… … Dictionary of American idioms
blow — Ⅰ. blow [1] ► VERB (past blew; past part. blown) 1) (of wind) move creating an air current. 2) propel or be propelled by the wind. 3) expel air through pursed lips. 4) force air through the mouth into (an instrument) to make a sound … English terms dictionary